RESULTS OF 5th INTERNATIONAL BURSA PHOTOGRAPH FESTIVAL’S PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST AWARD WINNING PHOTOS FIRST_8167631-yeni-yasam (ÇAĞDAŞ ERDOĞAN – BURSA/TURKİYE) SECOND_5744220-ezidi-gocu (KURTULUŞ ARI – İSTANBUL/TURKİYE) THIRD_2945721-araf (EMİN ÖZMEN – İSTANBUL/TURKİYE) 1st MENTION-5698705-tel-abyad-tan-kacis (ŞAHİN AVCI – ŞANLIURFA/TURKİYE) 2nd MENTION-4314343-athens-greece (SOCRATES BALTAGIANNIS / GREECE) 3rd MENTION-5680335-eve-dusen-bombalardan-aile-boyu-el-ele-kacis (HALİL FİDAN – ŞANLIURFA/TURKİYE) 4th MENTION-5973232-migrants-from-iraq-arrive-in-the-coast-of-kos-island-june-25-2015 (CHRYSI GIANNAKOUDI / GRECEE) 5th MENTION-3724684-son-umut-calais-3 (MUSTAFA YALÇIN [...]
Armagan Ekrem Goyunc

Biography: Slideshow: Immigration of Akartuna Couple
Sebati Karakurt

Biography: Exhibitions: Refugees of Turkey
Yusuf Murat Sen

Biography: After his undergraduate studies at Marmara University, he got his master’s degree and proficiency in arts diploma qualification from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. He became associate professor in 2002, and professor in 2009. Since 1991, he has been working as a lecturer in the Photography Department of Mimar Sinan University where he also [...]
Tuna Uysal

Biography: He was born in 1979 in Istanbul. He completed his undergraduate studies at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Photography Department. He completed his masters’ degree at the Institute of Social Sciences of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Photography Department in 2007 with a thesis titled “Visual relationship between Photography and Cinematography”. In 2013, he [...]
Filiz Bozdere

Biography: She graduated from Middle East Technical University Department of Business Administration and has been deeply interested in photography for 5 years. She took courses in photography and filming techniques from Mahmut Özturan, and participated in workshops at Bursa Photographic Art Association. Later, she got her associate degree from Anadolu University Department of Photography and [...]
Nuray Tezel

Biography: She was born in 1972 in Istanbul and graduated from Anadolu University, Department of Economics. She worked as a banker in the finance industry for 10 years. She received her first photography training in 2001 at Bursa Photographic Arts Association (BUFSAD). In 2011, she completed classes on advanced filming techniques and documentary photography within [...]
Bahar Borazan

Biography: He was born in 1963 in Kardzhali, Bulgaria. In 1971, he emigrated to Turkey when he was 7 years old and graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Technical Education in 1986. Throughout his career, he worked in the automotive sector in Bursa and retired in 2014; but still continues his career as an education [...]