Biography: After his undergraduate studies at Marmara University, he got his master’s degree and proficiency in arts diploma qualification from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University. He became associate professor in 2002, and professor in 2009. Since 1991, he has been working as a lecturer in the Photography Department of Mimar Sinan University where he also [...]
Tuna Uysal

Biography: He was born in 1979 in Istanbul. He completed his undergraduate studies at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Photography Department. He completed his masters’ degree at the Institute of Social Sciences of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Photography Department in 2007 with a thesis titled “Visual relationship between Photography and Cinematography”. In 2013, he [...]
Haluk Cobanoglu

Biography: Haluk Çobanoğlu worked as an assistant in the editorial departments of ICP (International Center of Photography) and Black Star News Agency in New York, USA. He has published his documentary entitled “Kuşbazlar” in 1997 as a calendar and in 1999 postcard album. Starting from 2002 he produced photo interviews for National Geographic Turkey and [...]
Gisela Kayser

Biography: Gisela Kayser is born in Stuttgart. Since 1970 she is living in Berlin. In the 80th she coedited the magazine and the company “Ästhetik and Kommunikation”, an alternative publishing house. Since 1996 she is responsible as Art Director for the cultural program of the Freundeskreis Willy-Brandt-Haus, Berlin, since 2011 she is managing director. She [...]
Thomas Grøndahl

Biography: Thomas Grøndahl, Born in Copenhagen, September 11th 1962. Grøndahl began photographing at the age of 12, when he received his first camera from his Mother, Marianne Grøndahl, the Danish documentary photographer. Describing himself as both a photographer and visual consultant, much of Grøndahls career has focused around fashion, portrait and corporate photography. Grøndahl believes [...]