Biography: Hekimhan was graduated from the Photography Department at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 1986 and received his master degree from the same university. Started his professional photography life in 1985, he initiated to concentrate advertising photography after creating his own studio in 1991. He served as full-time lecturer in the Photography Department at [...]
İmren Dogan

Biography: İmren DOĞAN was born in Beypazarı in 1968. She had her bachelor’s degree from Ankara University Faculty of Health Education, and completed postgraduate training at Gazi University Institute of Science and Technology. Starting in 2003 at the Ankara Photographers Association, her photography training continued with various workshops. She took lessons from Jodi Bieber about [...]
Tolga Tomac

Biography: Tolga Tomaç was born in 1971 in Samsun. His adventure in photography started at early 2000s. Tomaç, married with 2 children, is a member of Association of Trabzon Photography Association and Roche Photography Club. Exhibition: Caspia Kazakh Turks, which are estimated about 10,000 and 15,000 as population, started to come to Turkey for the [...]
Desislava Senay Martinova

Biography: Desislava Şenay Martinova was born in 1987 in Bulgaria. Following her education on journalism at Aydın Doğan Anatolian Communicational Vocational High School, she worked as correspondent and photographer in several institutions such as Hürriyet, Milliyet, Radikal and DBR (Doğan Bursa Dergi Yayıncılık). She attended in various exhibitions and took the speech in symposiums. At [...]
Mahmut Koyas

Biography: Mahmut Koyaş was born in 1988 in Adana. He started to take photos after three months of training he received in 2006 at the Association of Amateur Artists of Photography. In 2008 he attained enrolling Okan University on a scholarship. Again at the same year, he ranked the third place in the photo competition [...]
3F Collective

Biography: 3F Collective, is a photography collective created by Bülent Özşeker, Edmon Sefer, and Yeşim Tetik. The purpose of the collective is to ensure that social matters related to people and cities based on space and time are a part of the memory of future generations. In this context the collective endeavors to produce photography [...]
Mehmet Gokhan Taylan

Biography: Mehmet Gökhan Taylan was born in Ankara in 1974. His passion in photography started when he was very young by watching his grandfather filling in albums with the photographs he took. He has first completed Tourism and Management programme at University. In 2008 he has graduated from the Photography Department of Mimar Sinan Fine [...]
İbrahim Demirel

Biography: He was born Körsüleymanlı of Akçadağ/Malatya in 1941.He completed the Teachers’ Training School of Akçadağ in 1958, the Painting Seminar in Çapa Teachers’ Training School in 1964. In 1970, he graduated from the Academy of Applied Fine Arts (Marmara University). After then, “the art” was a life style for him. He worked as a [...]